Sunday, January 29, 2017

Only 15% of North Koreans use cellular phones.

Only 15% of North Koreans use cellular phones.
About 3 million 7 hundred thousand people in North Korea has cellular phones.

I do not think they can surf on the web by those phones.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

A story of Grace Jo, Vice-president of NKinUSA was broadcasted on WashingtonTopNews

A story of Grace Jo, Vice-president of NKinUSA was broadcasted on WashingtonTopNews.
Her family had much difficulty in escaping successfully from North Korea.
Grace Jo and Jinhye Jo established a non-profit organization to help North Korean refugees because they are well aware of how horrible and dangerous to live in North Korea and to escape from North Korea.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Evey Spring NKinUSA hosts a music concert to rescue North Korean refugees and defectors.

Evey Spring NKinUSA hosts a music concert to rescue North Korean refugees and defectors.
In 2016 the concert was held at Marvin Center Continental Ballroom of George Washington University.

Fundraising is an important way to help North Korean refugees directly.
You can enjoy beautiful music as well as help North Korean refugees if you attend the musical concert.

At Wellesley College Grace Jo, Vice-president of NKinUSA spoke about the human rights of North Korean people

At Wellesley College Vice-president of NKinUSA, Grace Jo spoke about the human rights of North Korean people.

NKinUSA is doing its best to raise awareness of human rights crisis in North Korea and persecution and pains of North Korean people, and problems of North Korean regimes threatening the world peace.

How long can Kim Jong Un's regime last?

Friday, January 13, 2017

Grace Jo, Vice-president of NKinUSA spoke about how she escaped from North Korea at WTOP-FM.

Grace Jo, Vice-president of NKinUSA spoke about how she escaped from North Korea at WTOP-FM.

NKinUSA testifies the problems of North Korean regime to raise awareness of persecution of North Korean people and pains and mistreatment of North Korean refugees.

Susie Han (Susie Maria Han)
Woodbridge High School, Irvine, California

Grace Jo, Vice-president of NKinUSA participated in a forum at George W. Bush Presidential Center

Grace Jo, Vice-president of NKinUSA participated in a forum at George W. Bush Presidential Center.

NKinUSA testifies the problems of North Korean regime to raise awareness of persecution of North Korean people and pains and mistreatment of North Korean refugees.

Susie Han (Susie Maria Han)
Woodbridge High School, Irvine, California

Grace Jo, Vice-president of NKinUSA made a speech about North Korean people's human rights at University of Maryland.

Grace Jo, Vice-president of NKinUSA made a speech about North Korean people's human rights at University of Maryland.

She goes anywhere to testify the problems of North Korean regime and the mistreatment of North Korean people.

Susie Han (Susie Maria Han)
Woodbridge High School, Irvine, California

UN plans vaccine aid to North Korea

  According to Japanese news today, South Korean government announces that United Nations (UN) is aiding North Korea with 60 million vaccine...