This article makes a strong argument that the united states is building up to something.
Ji Seong Ho was badly hurt in a train accident as a teen and became an amputee but still managed to defect successfully. amazing story.
There were seven other defectors present as well to tell their stories and give an overview of just how bad the North Korean regime is.
Fair enough and I imagine Trump couldn't help but be moved by their ordeals.
Although it's a win for human rights activists, the defectors are also being used to push an agenda.
It's an old formula used throughout the centuries to get an emotional response from the populace and in this case, rightly so. we all know it's not fabricated.
The other indicator that something is being planned is the constant reference to North Korean nukes that can reach the united states. just another part of the PR program playing on fear and prompting another emotional response from the public.
quote from Trump |
You conveniently forgot about the Stalin regime where North Korea got all its oppressive ideas from in the first place.
To be fair though, after reading many books on the subject, I think the North Korean punishment system and oppression is a bit worse.
But North Korean nukes being able to reach the United States homeland let alone hit a target with any accuracy is a bit of a stretch but again, it gets peoples attention.
Trump knows it but he's just reading a script.
Yet another indicator mentioned in the article points out that Victor Cha was slated to become the united states ambassador to South Korea but was dropped because of his disagreement with the administration's policy toward North Korea right now. That is the use of force.
quote from Victor Cha |
In other words, Victor is not fitting in with the agenda so they'll find someone who will.
The article also cites that an anonymous source told the site of united states naval preparations for war in the area in the coming months. if that's the case, then we won't have long to wait before the fireworks begin.
It's an anonymous source so take that for what it's worth. I cant' find anything on it since it's no doubt top secret but I'll keep an eye out for reports of increasing naval activity in the area.
edit 5th February
found this today. the article dated January 24
the article states that they are considering bunker busters with mini nukes on strategic targets.
No doubt this publicity has pissed the North Korean regime off to no end and it's good that the human rights abuses of the North Korean people is getting out there in a big way. I mean, what better way to tell the world about the abuse than through a presidential state of the union address.
Human rights activists can genuinely celebrate this but on the other hand, it could cause a rift in the potential healing process that might be achieved in the winter games and maybe this is part of the plan.
I cant' find any news about a response from the Kim regime yet but the timing of this is off considering the event is just around the corner. very suspicious.
I found this from the DPRK official site accusing the united states of trying to disrupt North and South relations during the Olympics.
I don't know what to think here.
From the points mentioned above, it certainly looks like the administration is serious about taking kinetic action soon.
On the other hand, maybe they are trying to force China's hand in doing something too.
China values it's eastern border buffer zone highly. they definately don't want to see bombs being dropped close to their border so they might say ok ok, we'll do something about it. they themselves might enforce regime change.
Maybe a False flag blamed on North Korea.
With the public already feeling threatened by the nukes and disgusted with the regime for its gross human rights abuses, it would be an easy sell.
As I have stated in previous posts, false flags are nothing new.
On a side note, the false nuke alarms in Hawaii and Japan recently raised red flags among the skeptics. the general consensus is that it was to gauge the public reaction to such an event and to plant the nuke danger seed in everyone's minds.
News like this travels fast, so everyone in the world knows about it.
It's suspicious because many safeguards have been put in place to make sure this alert doesn't go out by accident and the explanation that one guy pushing the wrong button just doesn't cut it.
update 6th feb
false tsunami warning issued for east coast united states now.
strange things happening. why all these false alerts all of a sudden...
Another possibility is that it could be goading the NK regime into firing the first shot and China has said that it will stand aside if North Korea starts it. very unusual for them to say this.
So why all this emphasis on North Korea now?
They haven't got any valuable resources that I know of like oil that the west likes to exploit.
they're not doing it to liberate the thousands of North Koreans in the gulags. (even though the administration pretends that it cares). that doesn't make any money.
Well, for anyone watching economics, you might have noticed that the united states central bank, the federal reserve has been slowly raising interest rates and is expected to do so more aggressively with the new fed chair coming in soon.
This means loans will cost more, the money supply will shrink, the stock market will drop and confidence in the United States. The economy will falter.
the United States's. the economy has been on life support because of the fed stimulus program and now it is pulling it back.
When the economy finally tanks, (probably this year), the banks don't want to be blamed for their gross manipulation of the markets. they need a distraction. what better distraction than North Korea with its deadly nukes.
if an invasion does happen, it will bog the United States military down in a costly war of attrition and Kim Jong Un gets the blame and maybe trump himself as well for getting us into this mess.
for those who don't know how the money really works, the above reasoning won't make any sense to you but make no mistake. it's the central banks that
really run the global show.
and if you have any doubts, look here
All wars are bankers wars.
Here is the article.