Saturday, February 24, 2018

평창올림픽의 남북한 아이스하키 단일팀의 의미

평창올림픽의 남북한 아이스하키 단일팀의 의미

평창올림픽을 계기로 남한과 북한의 아이스하키팀이 단일팀을 구성했다.
단 한 번도 이기지 못했지만, 북한과 남한의 선수들이 하나가 되어 같은 라커룸을 사용하고, 함께 식사도 하고, 훈련도 함께 했다.
모든 정치적인 색깔을 벗어던지고 올림픽의 상징처럼 남한과 북한이 하나가 되었다.

평창올림픽 이후에도 남한과 북한 사이에 이런 스포츠 교류가 꾸준히 이어졌으면 좋겠다.
북한의 소포츠 선수 입장에서 보다 좋은 Couch 밑에서 훈련을 할 수 있는 기회도 생기고, 북한 스포트 선수의 복지에도 도움이 되고, 북한의 스포츠 시설을 향상시켜 주는데도 도움이 되지 않을까?

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Quick takeaways : 10 facts of North Korea

1. Slavery - North Korea ranks number 1 on the Global Slavery Index of 2016.
North Korea has the highest percentage of citizens as slaves, with an estimated 1,100,000 living in modern slavery. Also, the DPRK punishes 3 generations. If someone is found guilty of a crime, and sent to a prison camp, their entire family is sent with them subsequent two generations remain in the camp for life.
2. Economic Freedom - North Korea ranks last at 180 of 180 countries on the Index of Economic Freedom for 2018.
The Index of Economic Freedom measures the liberty of individuals to pursue their own economic interests. DPRK has hardly any market economic. It's profit mainly comes from smuggling, underground market, scam and weapon transactions.
3. Corruption - North Korea ranks 174 of 176 countries on the Corruption Perception Index of 2016.
Quote: “the lower-ranked countries in our index are plagued by untrustworthy and badly functioning public institutions like the police and judiciary.”
4. Democracy - North Korea ranked last at 167 out 167 countries on the Democracy index of 2015 (also ranked last in 2006).
The Democracy Index measures electoral process and pluralism; civil liberties; the functioning of government; political participation; and political culture.
5. Peace - North Korea ranks 150 of 163 countries on the Global Peace Index (GPI) of 2017.
The GPI measures ongoing domestic and international conflicts, and evaluates the level of harmony or discord within a nation.
6. Journalism, Press Freedom - North Korea ranked last at 180 of 180 countries on the World Press Freedom Index for 2017 by Reporters Without Borders.
7. Freedom - North Korea ranks at 193 of 195 countries on the Freedom in the World Index of 2017.
The Freedom in the World Index reports on political rights and civil liberties, and measures according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948.
8. Moral Freedom  - North Korea ranks at 127 of 160 on the World Index of Moral Freedom (WIMF) of 2016. WIMF measures freedom of religion, bioethics, drugs, family & gender.
North Korea ranks highest in persecution of Christians on World Watch List.
9. Health -  North Korea spends under $1 per capita on healthcare, lowest in the world, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Global average is $716 per capita.
A report by Amnesty International called “The Crumbling State of Health Care in North Korea” descried how health facilities lacked even basic hygiene.
10. Internet usage - North Korea allows only 14,000 people access to the internet.
According to the Internet World Stats of 2016 and 2017, only 0.1% of North Koreans are internet users. The internet is almost exclusively for government officials or foreigners.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

한반도 통일이 되려면 북한 사람들의 마음을 얻어야 한다.

한반도 통일이 되려면 북한 사람들의 마음을 얻어야 한다.

2002년 탈북해서 남한에 정착한 주승현님께서 "북한이 붕괴하면 통일 가능성이 커지지만 그것이 곧 통일을 뜻하지는 않는다"며 "북한은 유엔으로부터 국가성을 인정받았기 때문에 김정은 체제가 붕괴해도 다른 정치 지도세력이 정부를 구성할 것"이라고 말씀하셨다.

김정은 정권이 무너져도 통일이 되지는 않을 것이라는 말씀이다.

그리고 "통일이 되려면 북한 사람의 마음을 얻어야 한다"는 말씀도 하셨다. 현재 탈북해서 남한에 정착한 분들 중에 남한에서의 생활이 힘들고, 외롭고, 고향이 그리워서  다시 북한으로 가고 싶다는 분들이 있다.

북한에서는 이렇게 다시 북한으로 돌아간 분들을 TV에 등장시켜 남한에서 탈북민이 얼마나 힘든 생활을 하는지 보여주고 있다. 어떻게 북한 사람들의 마음을 얻을 수 있을까?

배고품은 음식으로 해결할 수 있지만, 탈북민에 대한 무시와 차별은 어떤 것으로 해결할 수 있을까?

정말 통일을 원한다면, 탈북민에게 잘 해 주어야 하지 않을까?

Friday, February 16, 2018

Reminder. LINK Summit this saturday, long beach, california

There will be four North Korean speakers at the summit.
It should be a great day. I am jealous. would like to be there.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Interview with Grace Jo on WTOP FM radio

You can listen to the interview here. best way to listen is download first.
episode 102.

Vice president of NKinUSA, Grace Jo talks about her families starvation in North Korea, how they were caught in China and sent back several times and she gives some opinions on the Kim regime and what she thinks of the strategy of the north in participating in the Pyongchang Olympics might be and her thoughts on reunification.

Grace is a champion for the North Korean people and always takes the opportunity to get the word out whenever possible.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

North Koreans monitored 24h during Olympics

  North Korean athletes, cheerleaders and other related members which consists around 500 people are strictly monitored by government officials, security personnel and administrative officers, to prevent them from defection.

  The North Korean teams are well aware of their peers' and families' consequences once they choose freedom. They are monitored even when visiting washroom and some dialogues may be recorded. Those who monitor often act as assistants in disguise.

  Despite this, there were several successful attempts in the past.
A North Korean ice hockey player defected in 1997, a Judo athlete in 1999, and cheerleader Han Seo-hee in 2006.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

The United States is not helping anything by not greeting North Korean delegates

No doubt pence was given instructions not to interact with Kim Yong-Nam and Kim Yo-Jong.
Instead of treating the games as an event of unity and friendly competition, the united states is pushing its agenda through pence.
He met with North Korean defectors and talked with Moon Jae-In about the nukes.

Obviously, there is subtle propaganda on both sides.
From the north, there is the art troupe in their red revolutionary like outfits which got lots of attention. it seems the north is making an ideological statement

Then pence meeting with defectors and visiting the Cheonan memorial and making statements about the human rights abuses in the north.

and this stupidity also. not standing when united Korea entered the stadium.

It is good that the human rights abuses are getting out there but this is not their real concern. I don't even think they're all that concerned about the nukes either.
The U.S is up to something and i'm not sure what yet.

I can tell you if it was me i'd say to the north, ok you can keep the nukes (with provisos, that is, access to international inspections, make sure the yield isn't' too big, etc). this would instantly put them at ease.
But lets do something about the gulags. especially the political prisoners.
Then there might be room for positive action on all fronts. not just the gulags.
But as i said in the previous post, addressing human rights abuses dosn't make any money.

As digusting as the north Korean regime is, i cant blame them for not trusting the u.s.
in my opinion, this is the primary reason they are developing the nukes and therefore we can't put the blame entirely on them.

If humanity ever stops believing in these political puppets then it would mark a truly positive step forward for the entire world.

Here is the article

Friday, February 9, 2018

미국 마이크 펜스 부통령과 오토 웜비어의 부친께서 북한난민(탈북민)과의 만남

미국 마이크 펜스 부통령과 북한에 억류되었다가 사망한 미국 대학생 오토 웜비어의 부친이 탈북민 (북한난민)을 만나서 북한 주민의 굶주림과 인권 탄압에 대해서 직접 들었다.

미국 부통령이 전세계에 북한 주민의 인권에 대해서 이렇게 관심을 가지고 있다는 메시지를 전했다는 점이 너무 고맙다.

북한 난민들에게 얼마나 반갑고 고마운 뉴스인가?

Thursday, February 8, 2018

22 North Korean athlets to participate Olympics 2018

  22 North Korean athletes will participate in 2018 PyeongChang games, for skating, ice hockey, and skiing.

  Figure skating pair is Ryom Tae-ok (19) and Kim Ju-sik (25). They are trained with a Canadian coach, and are expected to perform to a cover version of the Beatles song "A Day in the Life".

  As for ice hockey, 12 female players will arrive. Separated for almost 70 years, the 2 Koreas use different terms when addressing specific terminologies, and thus bearing a big barrier when playing as a unified team. To solve the problem, English is used as a mediating language, but still creates obstacles for fast-paced games like ice hockey.

  North Korea has also sent 2 short track speed skaters, 3 alpine skiers and 3 cross-country skiers to compete at the Olympics.

The Olympics has stirred controversy in South Korea, and opinions are spit into those who support and against the game. For those who support, the Olympics symbolizes peace and more hope for unification, but for those who oppose, Pyeong Chang Olympics seems like "Pyong Yang Olympics" in disguise.

Monday, February 5, 2018

Kim regime really cracking down on defectors now

North Korean regime has purchased new Russian radio locators that are supposed to be better than the German ones currently being used to locate "illegal" phone calls outside the country.

If these locators are as good as they say they are, then one way around it is bribery of officials.
If traders stop using their cells to do business, it will freeze market activity so the regime is shooting itself in the foot.

There is another article from DailyNK that reports the regime is cracking down on defections by sea as well.
The Kim regime was shaken by the recent defections last year and no doubt embarrassed as well since it was televised all over the world.

here is the link to the DailyNK article

Sunday, February 4, 2018

전세계에서 난민으로 인정받은 북한 탈북민은 1422명

전세계에서 난민으로 인정받은 북한 탈북민은 1422명이다.

다른 나라에서 영주권이나 시민권을 이미 발급받은 사람을 제외하고 계산할 경우 영국이 603명으로 가장 많고, 그 다음이 캐나다 (126명), 독일 (99명), 러시아 (72명), 네덜란드 (55명)의 순서로 많다.

미국으로 난민을 신청하는 방법은 한국, 제3국, 미국으로 다양하다. 가장 바람직한 방법은 태국 등 제3국에서 난민신청을 하는 것이다. 신청 후 난민으로 인정받기까지 1년 넘는 긴 시간이 걸리지만 이 방법이 가장 바람직하다.

누구의 도움을 받을 수 있을까?
UN난민기구를 통해서 미국 난민을 신청할 수 있다.

한국 국적을 취득한 후 관광비자로 미국에 입국한 후에 관광비자의 유효기간을 넘겨서 불법체류하면서 난민신청을 하는 분들도 있다. 그런데 이렇게 미국에서 불법체류하면서 난민신청을 할 경우, 아주 극소수만 난민으로 인정받고 있다.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Trump administration turning on the PR machine

This article makes a strong argument that the united states is building up to something.

If anyone saw the state of the union address the other day, they would have seen Ji Seong Ho up there on the stage.

Ji Seong Ho was badly hurt in a train accident as a teen and became an amputee but still managed to defect successfully. amazing story.
There were seven other defectors present as well to tell their stories and give an overview of just how bad the North Korean regime is.
Fair enough and I imagine Trump couldn't help but be moved by their ordeals.
Although it's a win for human rights activists, the defectors are also being used to push an agenda.
It's an old formula used throughout the centuries to get an emotional response from the populace and in this case, rightly so. we all know it's not fabricated.

The other indicator that something is being planned is the constant reference to North Korean nukes that can reach the united states. just another part of the PR program playing on fear and prompting another emotional response from the public.

quote from Trump

You conveniently forgot about the Stalin regime where North Korea got all its oppressive ideas from in the first place.
To be fair though, after reading many books on the subject, I think the North Korean punishment system and oppression is a bit worse.

But North Korean nukes being able to reach the United States homeland let alone hit a target with any accuracy is a bit of a stretch but again, it gets peoples attention.
Trump knows it but he's just reading a script.

Yet another indicator mentioned in the article points out that Victor Cha was slated to become the united states ambassador to South Korea but was dropped because of his disagreement with the administration's policy toward North Korea right now. That is the use of force.

quote from Victor Cha

In other words, Victor is not fitting in with the agenda so they'll find someone who will.

The article also cites that an anonymous source told the site of united states naval preparations for war in the area in the coming months. if that's the case, then we won't have long to wait before the fireworks begin.
It's an anonymous source so take that for what it's worth. I cant' find anything on it since it's no doubt top secret but I'll keep an eye out for reports of increasing naval activity in the area.

edit 5th February
found this today. the article dated January 24

the article states that they are considering bunker busters with mini nukes on strategic targets.

No doubt this publicity has pissed the North Korean regime off to no end and it's good that the human rights abuses of the North Korean people is getting out there in a big way. I mean, what better way to tell the world about the abuse than through a presidential state of the union address.
Human rights activists can genuinely celebrate this but on the other hand, it could cause a rift in the potential healing process that might be achieved in the winter games and maybe this is part of the plan.
I cant' find any news about a response from the Kim regime yet but the timing of this is off considering the event is just around the corner. very suspicious.

I found this from the DPRK official site accusing the united states of trying to disrupt North and South relations during the Olympics.

I don't know what to think here.
From the points mentioned above, it certainly looks like the administration is serious about taking kinetic action soon.
On the other hand, maybe they are trying to force China's hand in doing something too.
China values it's eastern border buffer zone highly. they definately don't want to see bombs being dropped close to their border so they might say ok ok, we'll do something about it. they themselves might enforce regime change.

Maybe a False flag blamed on North Korea.
With the public already feeling threatened by the nukes and disgusted with the regime for its gross human rights abuses, it would be an easy sell.
As I have stated in previous posts, false flags are nothing new.

On a side note, the false nuke alarms in Hawaii and Japan recently raised red flags among the skeptics. the general consensus is that it was to gauge the public reaction to such an event and to plant the nuke danger seed in everyone's minds.
News like this travels fast, so everyone in the world knows about it.
It's suspicious because many safeguards have been put in place to make sure this alert doesn't go out by accident and the explanation that one guy pushing the wrong button just doesn't cut it.
update 6th feb
false tsunami warning issued for east coast united states now.
strange things happening. why all these false alerts all of a sudden...

Another possibility is that it could be goading the NK regime into firing the first shot and China has said that it will stand aside if North Korea starts it. very unusual for them to say this.

So why all this emphasis on North Korea now?
They haven't got any valuable resources that I know of like oil that the west likes to exploit.
they're not doing it to liberate the thousands of North Koreans in the gulags. (even though the administration pretends that it cares). that doesn't make any money.

Well, for anyone watching economics, you might have noticed that the united states central bank, the federal reserve has been slowly raising interest rates and is expected to do so more aggressively with the new fed chair coming in soon.
This means loans will cost more, the money supply will shrink, the stock market will drop and confidence in the United States. The economy will falter.
the United States's. the economy has been on life support because of the fed stimulus program and now it is pulling it back.
When the economy finally tanks, (probably this year), the banks don't want to be blamed for their gross manipulation of the markets. they need a distraction. what better distraction than North Korea with its deadly nukes.
if an invasion does happen, it will bog the United States military down in a costly war of attrition and Kim Jong Un gets the blame and maybe trump himself as well for getting us into this mess.

for those who don't know how the money really works, the above reasoning won't make any sense to you but make no mistake. it's the central banks that really run the global show.

and if you have any doubts, look here

All wars are bankers wars.
Here is the article.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Trump 미국 대통령께서 중국 정부에 북한난민의 인신매매 중단 요청

Trump 미국 대통령께서 북한난민을 백악관으로 초청해서 북한의 인권문제에 대해서 경청했다. Trump 미국 대통령은 중국으로 탈출했다가 인신매매를 당하는 북한난민을 보호하기 위해서 중국 정부에 북한난민의 인신매매 중단 요청하기로 하셨다.

열악한 환경의 중국 시골로 시집을 오려는 중국 여성이 적다.  그래서 이런 중국 시골로 인신매매 되어 반강제적으로 결혼해서 아기를 낳고 사는 북한난민 여성이 많다. 마음이 아픈 것은 중국 시골의 경제적 상황이 북한 보다 훨씬 좋은 것이다.

Trump 미국 대통령은 약속을 아주 잘 지키는 분이므로 배고픔과 인권 박해를 피해서 중국으로 탈출한 북한난민 여성의 인신매매를 중단하도록 요구하실 것이다.

Things keep getting better in the north

This is just out of Asiapress site recently.
Look at the officer in the picture below. it's dated back to 2013 so a bit old now but look at how malnourished he is.
This is an officer too. not a private or corporal.

Anyway, the article is about the high price of gasoline and how the army is reduced to using oxes and charcoal driven trucks.

Here is what a wood gas (charcoal driven) truck looks like.

notice the drum like thing at the back on the left of the truck

Oil smuggling has supplemented the oil gap but the economy is still feeling the pinch.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

The great manure marathon!

You know things are bad in the north when people are fighting over manure.
The good news is that according to this report, high ranking officials are forced to harvest manure as well as ordinary residents.

UN plans vaccine aid to North Korea

  According to Japanese news today, South Korean government announces that United Nations (UN) is aiding North Korea with 60 million vaccine...