Monday, October 23, 2017

Rocket Man adapting to hacking?

 The threat that's usually seen from North Korea is their Nuclear Weapons, but as posted yesterday from thegaurdian, they seem to be advancing more and more in their hacking.

It surprises me to know that when their bomb threats have been going more unnoticed, in my opinion, as time goes on Kim Jung-un, 'Rocket Man,' as called by President Trump, is posing other threats that can tear at the U.S.

An example of their advancements can be found in the article. It states, 'They were within a keystroke of nicking a billion dollars from the New York Federal Reserve and were stopped only by a spelling mistake: a bogus withdrawal request misspelled “foundation” as “fandation”. Even so, they got away with $81m.'

Is this an accurate representation of their advancements in the cyber field over their nuclear weapons or is it a ruse to seem more powerful then they are? From their heists they have almost pulled off, it seems more of a threat everyday. What is your opinion? Let me know in the comments.

A more accurate representation of this can be found on thegaurdian website:

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