Monday, October 16, 2017

"University Student’s Group for Unification (통일대학생동아리연합)" is a united group of college students from 9 universities in South Korea for the unification of Korea

Some South Korean college students and some college students who were former North Korean refugees organized a united group of 9 school clubs representing 9 universities in South Korea.
The official name of the group is "University Student's Group for Unification (통일대학생동아리연합)".

Even though their majors at universities are different and they are attending different universities, there is one common thing between them. They get together to be friends to each other and discuss the ways toward the harmonious unification of Korea.

The list of members of "University Student's Group for Unification".

The Catholic University of Korea (가톨릭대학교),
Korea University (고려대학교),
Dongguk University (동국대학교),
Sogang University (서강대학교),
Sookmyung Women's University (숙명여자대학교),
Yonsei University (연세대학교),
Chungang University (중앙대학교),
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (한국외국어대학교),
Hanyang University (한양대학교)

They participate in volunteer service at the Seoul National Cemetery. They meet regularly four times a year and enjoy sports games together such as skiing.

I think this is a good sample of the harmonious unification of Korea. Such group activities of college students will have a great influence on spreading the idea of Korea's harmonious unification.

"University Student's Group for Unification" participated in a Forum hosted by "the Institute for Peace Affairs" to discuss the unification of Korean Peninsula.  

South Korean college students and college students who were former North Korean refugees held a meeting whose topic is "Let us talk about the unification of Korea".

"University Student's Group for Unification" hosted indoor sports games for members to be more intimate with each other.

"University Student's Group for Unification" received an award from Korea National Cemetery because of its dedicated volunteer service for the cemetery.

Members of "University Student's Group for Unification" took pictures in front of Korea National Cemetery. The cemetery was established for veterans who died in Korean independence Movement under the Japanese Colonial Rule, Korean War, and Vietnam War.

Sources of Pictures: Jae Duk Seo, Vice-President of "University Student's Group for Unification"
Animation GIF image: Susie Han (Susie Maria Han), Woodbridge High School, Irvine, California

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