Friday, November 17, 2017

Beware the fake human rights organizations

Although this is not related to North Korean human rights, I thought it was relevant since this is a human rights blog.

The article shows that quite a few well-known NGO's are really PR (public relations) fronts designed to enhance the corporate news disinformation. to push an agenda by governments or corporations (same thing anyway).

It adds the humanitarian hot button to get the public shocked and outraged enough so that they will get behind a military action. Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan are prime examples.

Human Rights Watch,, Usaid, Amnesty International and many others are mentioned so don't be fooled if they play the North Korean card. they couldn't care less about the North Korean people.

I will be sticking with NKinUSA

This article is the same subject but goes into a lot more detail of how these BGO's operate and who funds them. 

Here is an interview with Patrick Henningson who wrote the articles

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