A Letter to Kim Jong Un of North Korea from Jin Hye Jo, President of NKinUSA (North Korean Refugees in the United States)
Mr. Kim Jong Un!
You may not read this letter.
This letter will not be able to reach to you.
I am writing this letter with hope that you read this letter someday.
I want to think at this moment that you are not the worst dictator nor the leader of North Korea, but just an ordinary man.
I can write a true and honest letter to you after I consider you an ordinary man.
Mr. Kim Jong Un! You can do anything you want to do in North Korea.
You can order people in North Korea to song for you even though they do not want to.
You can order North Koreans to watch movies about you even though they do not want to.
You can order anyone North Koreans not to go to where they want to go.
You can order people in North Korea to work only for you without paying any money to them.
You can let North Korean people die of hunger or order them to eat whatever you want to provide.
You can send North Korean people to labor prisons or execute them if you want to.
You can start a war and threat the world peace by attacking them with nuclear weapons.
But there is one thing you can not do no matter how you try to.
You cannot change the mind of those who hate you.
You want to keep your hundreds of statues, fake historic spots and documents remain to hide your horrible crimes forever.
But you have to remember this.
You will be remembered as the most horrible and cruel criminals in the world history, because it is true that you committed such crimes.
Mr. Kim Jong Un! You can make a decision.
You can stop committing crimes and you have the key to make the divided Korea into one unified country.
You can step down from the power and ask forgiveness for what you have done to North Koreans.
I understand you are afraid of this decision.
You may regret to make such a decision.
But be courageous and abandon regret.
You will be saved from falling into hell.
This is the last chance for you to repent all the crimes that your families have committed.
September 9th, 2017
From Jin-Hye Jo, President of NKinUSA (North Korean refugees in the United States)
Mr. Kim Jong Un!
You may not read this letter.
This letter will not be able to reach to you.
I am writing this letter with hope that you read this letter someday.
I want to think at this moment that you are not the worst dictator nor the leader of North Korea, but just an ordinary man.
I can write a true and honest letter to you after I consider you an ordinary man.
Mr. Kim Jong Un! You can do anything you want to do in North Korea.
You can order people in North Korea to song for you even though they do not want to.
You can order North Koreans to watch movies about you even though they do not want to.
You can order anyone North Koreans not to go to where they want to go.
You can order people in North Korea to work only for you without paying any money to them.
You can let North Korean people die of hunger or order them to eat whatever you want to provide.
You can send North Korean people to labor prisons or execute them if you want to.
You can start a war and threat the world peace by attacking them with nuclear weapons.
But there is one thing you can not do no matter how you try to.
You cannot change the mind of those who hate you.
You want to keep your hundreds of statues, fake historic spots and documents remain to hide your horrible crimes forever.
But you have to remember this.
You will be remembered as the most horrible and cruel criminals in the world history, because it is true that you committed such crimes.
Mr. Kim Jong Un! You can make a decision.
You can stop committing crimes and you have the key to make the divided Korea into one unified country.
You can step down from the power and ask forgiveness for what you have done to North Koreans.
I understand you are afraid of this decision.
You may regret to make such a decision.
But be courageous and abandon regret.
You will be saved from falling into hell.
This is the last chance for you to repent all the crimes that your families have committed.
September 9th, 2017
From Jin-Hye Jo, President of NKinUSA (North Korean refugees in the United States)
Original Letter from NKinUSA (North Korean refugees in the United States) in Korean language
북한 김정은에게 보내는 편지
당신은 이 편지를 읽지 않겠죠?
당신에게 이 편지는 갈 수가 없겠죠?
그래도 언젠가는 당신이 이 편지를 읽을 수 있는 날을 기대하며 이 편지를 쓰게 되네요.
당신에게 편지를 쓰고 있는 이 순간 만큼은 당신은 지구상 최악의 독재자도 아니고, 북조선의 위대한 수령도 아닌 지극히 평범한 인간으로 생각하고 싶군요.
그래야만 당신과 진실되고 솔직한 대화를 나눌 수 있을테니까요.
김정은씨! 당신은 한반도의 북쪽 땅에서 무엇이든 할 수 있겠죠.
당신은 사람들이 부르고 싶지 않은 당신의 노래를 부르도록 할 수 있죠.
당신은 사람들이 보고 싶지 않은 당신에 대한 영화를 보도록 할 수 있죠.
당신은 사람들이 배우고 싶지 않은 당신의 사상을 배우도록 할 수 있죠.
당신은 사람들이 가고 싶은 곳을 마음대로 갈 수 없도록 할 수 있죠.
당신은 사람들이 그 어떤 대가도 없이 당신만을 위해서 일하도록 할 수 있죠.
당신은 사람들을 굶어 죽일 수도 있고, 당신이 주는 것만 먹도록 할 수 있죠.
당신은 누구든지 수용소에 보낼 수 있고, 누구든지 처형할 수 있죠.
당신은 마음만 먹으면 전쟁도 할 수 있고, 전세계 어디든지 핵무기로 공격할 수 있죠.
그러나 당신이 절대로 할 수 없는 가장 중요한 것이 있죠.
당신이 아무리 노력을 해도 당신을 증오하는 사람들의 마음까지 바꿀 수는 없죠.
당신은 당신이 저지른 끔찍한 범죄를 후손 만대에까지 감추기 위하여 당신을 칭송하는 수 많은 동상들과 혁명사적지, 혁명기록물을 남기겠죠.
그러나 당신을 이 것을 알아야 해요.
당신이 아무리 노력을 해도 당신은 인류 역사상 가장 끔찍하고 가장 잔인한 범죄 리스트의 챔피언 자리에 영원히 기록될 거라는 것을!
왜냐하면 당신이 저지른 수 많은 범죄와 만행들은 사실이니까요. 그리고 진실이니까요.
김정은씨! 당신은 선택할 수 있죠.
당신의 백성들에게 자유를 주고 반세기 동안 이어진 분단의 비극을 끝장낼 수 있죠.
당신이 스스로 권력의 자리에서 물러나고 당신과 선대 수령들이 저지른 끔찍한 범죄에 대하여 참회하고 용서를 구할 수 있죠.
당신은 당신의 이러한 선택에 대하여 두려워하겠죠?
당신은 당신의 이러한 선택에 대하여 아쉬워하겠죠?
그러나 용기를 가지세요.
그리고 미련을 버리세요.
그 것이 당신을 파멸로부터 구원할 수 있을테니까요.
그 것이 당신 가문의 범죄를 속죄할 수 있는 마지막 기회이니까요.
2017년 9월 9일
NKinUSA 회장
Introduction about NKinUSA (North Korean Refugees in the United States)
Translated by Susie Han (Susie Maria Han)
Woodbridge High School, Irvine, California
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