In developed, democratic countries, governments follow universal 21st century values, with common goals such as "Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" that emphasizes equality, equity, peace and freedom. Humans are regarded and treated as humans, ensured with Human Rights and entitled with access to various rights such as education, health, security and political prticipation.
On the other hand, evil and failed states ignore "rule of law" which law is above government and restricts the state. Under this kind of power, humans are denied as intellectual beings, and regarded as slaves to exploit, or phisical materials for those with power to utilize valuably.
The less respect to the mental and spiritual aspect of human beings, the higher possibility for a state to be more unstable, chaotic and less successful. According to Harvard's analysis, the key to a state's peace is not only the degree of democracy and less corruption, but how a state treates Women is also a crucial aspect. In developed nations where peace predominates, Women are treated equally without discrimination, often participate in higher positions; while in chaotic areas, women are often restricted with dress codes (Iran, Saudi Arabia), denied basic rights or even forced to stay at home.
This also reveals that the failed states emphasize too much on physical aspects and forget that humans, regardless of backgrounds, also possess a divine spritual side whch needs education to unleash and develop. In short, time will prove that materialism is a failure and humanity can only be sustainable if treated with equity and as spiritual individuals.
The purpose of this blog is to help raise awareness toward severe human rights crisis of North Koreans and North Korean refugees.
I hope more people in the world look into human rights situation in North Korea as well as North Korean refugees in the Unites States who need financial and mental support for their successful resettlement in the USA.
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Comparisons between developed and failed states in various aspects
Friday, December 29, 2017
The Rocket Man: Dragon Kim lands in South Korea
Minyong Kim, also known as Dragon Kim has been impersonating Kim Jong Un since 2014 while he was studying in the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. Born and raised in Seoul , he currently runs an agency for South Korean students who want to study abroad. In April, Kim showed up as a special guest on a talk show in South Korea for North Korean defectors. The show, called "On My Way to Meet You," invites defectors living in South Korea to open up about their lives back in the North and how they are adapting to a new way of life in the South (ABC News). Kim also appeared in a video in October where he passed through the streets of New York in North Korean leader's attire and was viewed by nearly 10 million people online. According to Kim, his main reason for impersonating the North Korean leader is to make people happy. One of the links attached below is a latest video of him dressed as Kim Jong Un, walking through the city of Seoul.
북한난민들의 미국 선택을 돕는 방법?
북한난민 중에서 한국을 선택한 분들은 이미 3만명을 넘었다. 북한난민들 중에서 미국을 선택하는 분들이 있을까? 2017년 12월까지 미국을 선택한 분들도 200명이 조금 넘었다.
왜 이렇게 적을까?
북한에서도 미국 영화를 DVD 또는 USB로 본다고 들었다. 미국 음악도 친숙하다.
북한난민은 한국을 선택할 경우 곧 바로 올 수 있지만, 미국은 1년 이상 걸리기도 한다. 이렇게 미국으로 난민을 신청하는 과정이 복잡하고 기다리는 시간이 길기 때문이기도 하지만, 혹시 북한난민도 미국을 선택할 수 있다는 점에 대해서 잘 모르기 때문이 아닐까?
북한난민들에게 미국으로 올 수 있는 방법을 안내하는 비영리단체가 있을까? 아직 없는 것 같다.
그렇지만 한 가지 좋은 소식이 있다. 북한난민이 미국에 도착하면 미국 정착을 돕는 단체는 있다. 그 중에 내가 자원봉사를 하고 있는 NKinUSA가 있다. NKinUSA는 북한난민에 의해 설립된 비영리단체이며 현재 미국 Washington, D.C.에 사무실을 두고 북한난민의 미국 정착을 돕고 있다.
왜 이렇게 적을까?
북한에서도 미국 영화를 DVD 또는 USB로 본다고 들었다. 미국 음악도 친숙하다.
북한난민은 한국을 선택할 경우 곧 바로 올 수 있지만, 미국은 1년 이상 걸리기도 한다. 이렇게 미국으로 난민을 신청하는 과정이 복잡하고 기다리는 시간이 길기 때문이기도 하지만, 혹시 북한난민도 미국을 선택할 수 있다는 점에 대해서 잘 모르기 때문이 아닐까?
북한난민들에게 미국으로 올 수 있는 방법을 안내하는 비영리단체가 있을까? 아직 없는 것 같다.
그렇지만 한 가지 좋은 소식이 있다. 북한난민이 미국에 도착하면 미국 정착을 돕는 단체는 있다. 그 중에 내가 자원봉사를 하고 있는 NKinUSA가 있다. NKinUSA는 북한난민에 의해 설립된 비영리단체이며 현재 미국 Washington, D.C.에 사무실을 두고 북한난민의 미국 정착을 돕고 있다.
Thursday, December 28, 2017
A Must Read : North Korean Defector's Journey to Freedom
Lee Hyeon-seo's book, "The Girl with seven names" tells her story of escape from North Korea and later on helping her family reach South Korea. During that period of suppression and time on the run, she took up seven names. She gave a TED talk in 2013 and spoke at Oslo Freedom Forum in 2014. Lee, currently lives in Wisconsin with her husband and is hoping to get into a graduate school in United States soon. I have given a link of her TED talk from 2013 which has been viewed by around 6.7 million people.
Sunday, December 24, 2017
How North Koreans celebrate Christmas
These days, many parts of the world are having warm time with families and friends, enjoying nice music and food under beautiful Christmas decorations, others are celebrating Hanukkah and some local holidays, but how about North Korea?
Kim Jong Un is not Santa Claus. He has bring nothing to the children except disasters. Before the Korean war, there were around 20% of Christians in North Korea, but under Kim family's rule, especially recently, Christmas is banned and those who are caught celebrating Christmas or other religious activities can face jail.
Despite the strict ban, Christmas trees as decoration can still be observed rarely in restaurants. Hope Santa Claus can bring joy and peace to the country, and let the children grow in a warm environment without fear.
Kim Jong Un is not Santa Claus. He has bring nothing to the children except disasters. Before the Korean war, there were around 20% of Christians in North Korea, but under Kim family's rule, especially recently, Christmas is banned and those who are caught celebrating Christmas or other religious activities can face jail.
Despite the strict ban, Christmas trees as decoration can still be observed rarely in restaurants. Hope Santa Claus can bring joy and peace to the country, and let the children grow in a warm environment without fear.
A refugee camp for future possible North Korean refugees in Jilin Province and Liaoning Province
Saturday, December 23, 2017
North Korean refugees in China are exposed to human trafficking and fraud employment.
North Korean refugees in China are exposed to human trafficking and fraud employment.
Some Chinese people use the unstable and illegal status of North Korean refugees in China.
More efforts and interests are needed to help North Korean refugees in China.
Some Chinese people use the unstable and illegal status of North Korean refugees in China.
More efforts and interests are needed to help North Korean refugees in China.
Friday, December 22, 2017
부산시 서구 부용동에 수익금을 전액 북한난민을 돕기 위한 카페가 오픈
부산 서구 부용동에 북한난민의 정착을 돕는 카페 오픈
부산시 서구 부용동에 수익금을 전액 북한난민을 돕기 위한 카페가 오픈했다.
좋은 소식이다.
북한난민이 직원으로 일하고, 수익금은 모두 북한난민의 정착을 위해 기부한다.
부산에 사는 분들이 이 카페를 보다 많이 이용하면 좋겠다.
북한에서 생산된 물품 200여 가지를 판매하고, 북한식 Bruch도 판매한다.
북한의 대동강 맥주, 담배, 화장품, 인삼을 판매하고 막갈이 지짐(감자전), 남새(샐러드), 오미자차가 한 Set로 제공되는 Pyongyang Brunch을 판매한다. 그리고 따뜻한 물을 부으면 한국의 지도가 나타나는 보온병도 판매한다.
부산시 서구 부용동에 수익금을 전액 북한난민을 돕기 위한 카페가 오픈했다.
좋은 소식이다.
북한난민이 직원으로 일하고, 수익금은 모두 북한난민의 정착을 위해 기부한다.
부산에 사는 분들이 이 카페를 보다 많이 이용하면 좋겠다.
북한에서 생산된 물품 200여 가지를 판매하고, 북한식 Bruch도 판매한다.
북한의 대동강 맥주, 담배, 화장품, 인삼을 판매하고 막갈이 지짐(감자전), 남새(샐러드), 오미자차가 한 Set로 제공되는 Pyongyang Brunch을 판매한다. 그리고 따뜻한 물을 부으면 한국의 지도가 나타나는 보온병도 판매한다.
Bethesda Magazine broadcasted a news about Grace Jo's escaping story from North Korea.
Bethesda Magazine broadcasted a news about Grace Jo's escaping story from North Korea.
Bethesda Magazine introduced a story about Grace Jo, Vice-president of NKinUSA who escaped from North Korea with her family members and arrived in the United States as a refugee in 2008.
It is the year when I was an elementary school student in South Korea.
At that time Grace Jo tried to escape to the free world.
Grace Jo is now a student at Montgomery College and she organized with her elder sister a nonprofit organization to help North Korean refugees to escape to the free world.
Bethesda Magazine introduced a story about Grace Jo, Vice-president of NKinUSA who escaped from North Korea with her family members and arrived in the United States as a refugee in 2008.
It is the year when I was an elementary school student in South Korea.
At that time Grace Jo tried to escape to the free world.
Grace Jo is now a student at Montgomery College and she organized with her elder sister a nonprofit organization to help North Korean refugees to escape to the free world.
Thursday, December 21, 2017
The repatriation lies in the 60's
The poor Koreans living in Japan after the war were tricked into repatriating to North Korea.
Look at their faces. I wonder how many of them died a miserable death in the gulags. from reading the article below, I think a lot of them realized their mistake as soon as they arrived in the North.
The article does not explain how she made it back to Japan but at her age, she feels strongly enough to try to force North Korea, Japan, and South Korea to at least acknowledge the deception used to lure the Koreans back to North Korea.
you'll be sorry.... |
The article does not explain how she made it back to Japan but at her age, she feels strongly enough to try to force North Korea, Japan, and South Korea to at least acknowledge the deception used to lure the Koreans back to North Korea.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Chinese government is much the same as North Korean regime when it comes to human rights
This is a report about Chinese human rights lawyers who have been targeted by the Chinese government.
The Chinese government is afraid of their own human rights abuses being exposed. you know, like sending North Koreans back knowing that they will be tortured or executed.
The Chinese government is afraid of their own human rights abuses being exposed. you know, like sending North Koreans back knowing that they will be tortured or executed.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Russia sends North Koreans back too. Not just China
Russia sends North Korean refugees back to North Korea, too. Not just China
You can read more about this here. It is absolutely disgusting

Sunday, December 17, 2017
전세계 35개국과 Los Angeles 중국대사관 앞에서 북한이탈 주민 북송 반대 데모 (Demonstration against expatriation of North Korean refugees back to North Korea)
전세계 35개국과 Los Angeles에 있는 중국대사관 앞에서 북한이탈 주민의 북송을 반대하는 데모가 있었다.
북송되면 고문을 당하고 사형을 당하기 때문에 북한이탈주민의 인권 보호 위해서 데모를 한다. 이런 메모가 중국 정부를 변화시키지 못하더라도 비영리 인권단체를 중심으로 지속적으로 하고 있다. 한국 외교부는 이 문제에 대해서 무엇을 하고 있을까?
사진을 보면, 북한이탈주민의 북송반대 데모에 참여하는 사람들이 조금 적다. 북한 주민을 한국 국민이라고 생각하는 사람들이 적기 때문일까?
중국 정부를 움직이게 하려면 어떻게 하면 좋을까?
북송되면 고문을 당하고 사형을 당하기 때문에 북한이탈주민의 인권 보호 위해서 데모를 한다. 이런 메모가 중국 정부를 변화시키지 못하더라도 비영리 인권단체를 중심으로 지속적으로 하고 있다. 한국 외교부는 이 문제에 대해서 무엇을 하고 있을까?
사진을 보면, 북한이탈주민의 북송반대 데모에 참여하는 사람들이 조금 적다. 북한 주민을 한국 국민이라고 생각하는 사람들이 적기 때문일까?
중국 정부를 움직이게 하려면 어떻게 하면 좋을까?
Horrors of the North Korean gulags by eyewitnesses
This e-book is a compilation of the eyewitness accounts of five individuals who lived or worked in North Korean gulags.
Two of the individuals are former prison guards and the other three were prisoners.
It was compiled by the International Group of Human Rights Volunteers
I will say up front that it is not easy to read as the accounts of cruelty in these prisons is hard to believe. hence the title of the book, "are they telling the truth?"
Here are three of the eyewitnesses that I was able to find online.
And here are some snippets of the book to give you some idea of what to expect if you read it.

Also, here is an online slideshow with more information.
came across this as well. some content very graphic
Two of the individuals are former prison guards and the other three were prisoners.
It was compiled by the International Group of Human Rights Volunteers
I will say up front that it is not easy to read as the accounts of cruelty in these prisons is hard to believe. hence the title of the book, "are they telling the truth?"
Here are three of the eyewitnesses that I was able to find online.
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Sun ok-Lee former prisoner of Kaechon political prison camp. partially crippled from her six years in the camp. she wrote the book, "eyes of the tailless beasts"
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Kang Chul Hwan wrote the book, "the aquariums of Pyongyang" it is his account of his 10 years in Yodok prison camp.
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Myung Chul-Ahn former prison guard at several gulags. |
And here are some snippets of the book to give you some idea of what to expect if you read it.
The drawings were either done by the witnesses themselves or with the assistance of artists.

Also, here is an online slideshow with more information.
came across this as well. some content very graphic

Friday, December 15, 2017
Sumi Jeon, a lawyer who is working for North Korean refugees in South Korea.
Sumi Jeon, a lawyer who is working for North Korean refugees in South Korea.
She received an award for Best Lawyer from Korea Lawyer Association.
Since she became a lawyer, she has been helping hundreds of North Korean refugees who face legal problems in South Korea. About 1000 North Korean refugees living in Paju City need her legal assistance and advice. North Korean refugees are having problems of the different legal system in South Korea such as marriage.
She is now studying for the legal system after the unification of Korea.
She received an award for Best Lawyer from Korea Lawyer Association.
Since she became a lawyer, she has been helping hundreds of North Korean refugees who face legal problems in South Korea. About 1000 North Korean refugees living in Paju City need her legal assistance and advice. North Korean refugees are having problems of the different legal system in South Korea such as marriage.
She is now studying for the legal system after the unification of Korea.
North Koreans destroying Kim Jong Un statues
North Koreans are fed up with their regime.
News reports that some are making "fake eggs" with black liquid inside and throwing them toward Kim family's statues, monuments and propaganda artworks.
The most crucial thing for one to survive is not great leaders but Food.
Since the recent food shortage and crisis, DPRK citizens have grown resentment toward the regime, blaming it as the cause of their harsh lives. Kim Jong Un is losing credibility especially among the young generation.
News reports that some are making "fake eggs" with black liquid inside and throwing them toward Kim family's statues, monuments and propaganda artworks.
The most crucial thing for one to survive is not great leaders but Food.
Since the recent food shortage and crisis, DPRK citizens have grown resentment toward the regime, blaming it as the cause of their harsh lives. Kim Jong Un is losing credibility especially among the young generation.
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Article explaining the hygene stiuation in North Korea and how parasites spread

Monday, December 11, 2017
Newsletter from Suzanne Scholte from the Defence Forum Foundation.
This came in to my inbox last Friday and i should have posted last Friday but I did not think of it.
If anyone is in the new york city area today and has some time, you can stop by the united nations visitor center and meet two North Korean defectors and listen to their testimonies.
Blow is the email.
Dear Friends:
Thank you to all of you who signed our online petition and spread the word to other American citizens and friends about the Reauthorization of the North Korea Human Rights Act. I am pleased to report to you that North Korea Freedom Coalition members visited all Senate offices last Friday and your appeals were hand delivered to every Senate office. We are so grateful to Jason West for assembling the NKFC letter to the Senators with the names of the petitioners for each state. Thank you to Grace Jacobsen and Sam with ICC,Mary Lynn Qurnell, Tara O, Bob Thompson, Hannah Jeong, a volunteer representative with the Divided Families-USA, and Tori Blymier. Because of their help we were able to visit every Senate office with your appeals in support of human rights for North Koreans.
The bill was marked up yesterday afternoon and unanimously approved by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and we hope the Senate will vote soon. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker said, “The committee’s action shows that Congress and the administration stand united against the rogue North Korean regime. These bills support a comprehensive U.S. approach and will help the administration address the most acute threat to global security at this time. I appreciate the work of the bill sponsors and am hopeful the full Senate will approve these measures in the near future.”
And now for some events coming up next week:
For those in the NYC area, the US Mission to the United Nations will host a side event on Monday at the UN focusing on China’s treatment of North Korea refugees featuring two North Korean women with powerful testimonies. “North Korea Human Rights: The Terrifying Experiences of Forcibly Repatriated North Korean Women” will be held Monday, December 11, 2017 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in UN Conference Room 1 United Nations. RSVP is required by COB today to Julie Turner, Foreign Affairs Officer at
For those in the Washington DC area, Michael Maya, Director of the International Bar Association’s North America Office, invites you on behalf of the IBA’s War Crimes Committee to the launch of a report on the findings of a nearly two-year Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity in North Korean Political Prisons. The Inquiry Report finds reasonable grounds to conclude that Kim Jong-un and members of his regime have committed ten of the eleven crimes against humanity enumerated in the Rome Statute, the treaty that created the International Criminal Court (ICC). The event will be held at the National Press Club from 9:30-10:45am on Tuesday, December 12 . To register, please click HERE
Congressman Chris Smith, Chair of the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations has scheduled a hearing on “Protecting North Korean Refugees” on Tuesday, December 12 at 2 pm in Rayburn 2200, Capitol Hill. Witnesses include Ambassador Robert King, former Special Envoy for North Korean Human Rights and Greg Scarlatoiu, Executive Director of the Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, and yours truly. I am working to ensure that a North Korean defector will also be testifying.
Two Critically Important Action Items needing your time, talent and treasure:
Funding, Translation Support Needed for Defector to Testify in Congress: We need support to pay for the airfare and accommodations of a female defector from Seoul we are hosting to testify in the Congressional hearing. We also need logistical assistance especially Korean translators. This is someone we all dearly love: Han Ga Hee is coming to testify about North Korean refugees and the importance of information outreach to North Korea. If you can help Ms. Han with financial support or logistical support, send me an email ASAP, and I will provide more details.
Free North Korea Radio Christmas Broadcast: We are once again expanding the broadcast of Free North Korea Radio for an additional 7 days of extended broadcast beginning on Christmas Eve. If you can support our special Christmas broadcast to the people of North Korea, please send donations to: DFF, 3014 Castle Road, Falls Church, Virginia, 22044 – one hundred percent of your donation is tax deductible and one hundred percent goes directly to support FNKR’s broadcast and staff. You can also donate on line
Acta Non Verba
Suzanne Scholte
Seoul Peace Prize Laureate
President, Defense Forum Foundation
Chair, North Korea Freedom Coalition

Sunday, December 10, 2017
NKinUSA wants President Trump to accept more North Korean refugees to the USA.
NKinUSA wants President Trump to accept more North Korean refugees to the USA and allow NKinUSA to provide resettlement service to North Korean defectors in the USA.
NKinUSA wants President Trump to tell China, Vietnam, and Laos to stop repatriating North Korean refugees. Sending them back to North Korea is returning them to torture, imprisonment or even death.
NKinUSA was founded by former North Korean refugees. I think former North Korean refugees are well aware of what North Korean refugees need. NKinUSA is well qualified for such service for North Korean refugees and defectors.
NKinUSA wants President Trump to tell China, Vietnam, and Laos to stop repatriating North Korean refugees. Sending them back to North Korea is returning them to torture, imprisonment or even death.
NKinUSA was founded by former North Korean refugees. I think former North Korean refugees are well aware of what North Korean refugees need. NKinUSA is well qualified for such service for North Korean refugees and defectors.
Friday, December 8, 2017
Grace Jo, Vice-president of NKinUSA made a speech at Danforth University Center
Grace Jo, Vice-president of NKinUSA made a speech at Danforth University Center about her life in North Korea, her story of escaping from North Korea with her family, and her dreams in the USA.
Swetha Nakshatri, a reporter wrote a report about the speech of Grace Jo on "Student Life", the independent newspaper of Washington University in St. Louis.
After Grace Jo's father was imprisoned and killed by North Korean regime for his illegal crossing the border to get foods, her family escaped China when Grace Jo was only six years old.
Grace Jo discussed the harships that she and her family faced in China. After Jo and her family secured passage to the USA in December 2006.
Grace Jo and her sister, Jinhye Jo founded NKinUSA, a non-proft organization focused on refugee rescues and support for North Korean refugees in the USA.
Swetha Nakshatri, a reporter wrote a report about the speech of Grace Jo on "Student Life", the independent newspaper of Washington University in St. Louis.
After Grace Jo's father was imprisoned and killed by North Korean regime for his illegal crossing the border to get foods, her family escaped China when Grace Jo was only six years old.
Grace Jo discussed the harships that she and her family faced in China. After Jo and her family secured passage to the USA in December 2006.
Grace Jo and her sister, Jinhye Jo founded NKinUSA, a non-proft organization focused on refugee rescues and support for North Korean refugees in the USA.
No parasite medication available to soldiers because they are so hungry they sell any medication they get
This came in from Rimjin-gang / Asiapress
Even elite soldiers so hungry they sell their stuff to buy food.
So things are still not good for the majority in North Korea.
If an invading force came in and started handing out rice, the North Korean army would be deserting in droves.
I was reading about the Russian invasion of Finland in world war 2 before Germany invaded Russia.
the Russians were so hungry that on a search and destroy mission, they smelt food coming from the cooks quarters and attacked that instead of forgetting all about their objective for the moment.
this was their downfall because the Finns regrouped and routed the offending Russians so they never did complete their mission.
It would probably be the same with the North Korean soldiers.
I will see if I can find that story and post it.
Here it is
Even elite soldiers so hungry they sell their stuff to buy food.
So things are still not good for the majority in North Korea.
If an invading force came in and started handing out rice, the North Korean army would be deserting in droves.
I was reading about the Russian invasion of Finland in world war 2 before Germany invaded Russia.
the Russians were so hungry that on a search and destroy mission, they smelt food coming from the cooks quarters and attacked that instead of forgetting all about their objective for the moment.
this was their downfall because the Finns regrouped and routed the offending Russians so they never did complete their mission.
It would probably be the same with the North Korean soldiers.
I will see if I can find that story and post it.
Here it is

Another unsung hero. Jiro Ishimaru
This one was on the usandnorth blog as well
I did a previous post about Norbert Vollertsen. the German doctor who went into North Korea to help the sick and starving population in the 90's
I did a previous post about Norbert Vollertsen. the German doctor who went into North Korea to help the sick and starving population in the 90's
But here is another individual. Jiro Ishimaru.
He is a Japanese journalist who took an early interest in Korean history and culture, learned the language and became aware of the suffering of the North Koreans and decided to do something about it.
He eventually had the idea to set up a network of North Korean citizens who would go back and forward over the Chinese NK border and get video footage of how life there really was like.
He is now chief editor of Asiapress and Rimjin-gang magazine and has published lots of footage showing the real situation in the north.
In fact, there was one short video of a starving girl picking grass that went viral and touched the hearts of many people around the world.
It was this short footage that made me decide to try and do something, however small, to help them out.
Here it is but there are many more of orphans, starving soldiers, abandoned elderly, the market's activity, etc.
Here is the Asiapress youtube channel for more footage
It looks like the footage from the north is getting less now that the regime has completed the electrified fence making it more difficult for citizen journalists to go back and forth but there is still footage being posted on the site. It provides good information on the changing attitude of the general population toward the regime.
Here is some biography on Jiro Ishimaru
And a good writeup from Stephany Buck who writes for timeline
There's not much youtube footage of him but here is one presentation he did back in 2014 talking about the situation in North Korea
The Aisapress group has also compiled the Rimjin-gang book which provides an in-depth inside look at North Korea with pictures and interviews with some government officials.
I already have it but ordered another one to give to a friend.
It was taking a while to arrive and I asked for a status and they replied that it is on the way. they apologized for the delay and if I read it right, they are sending another one in which case I might have two. if that happens, I will send it to NKinUSA and they can forward to anyone who wants to read it.
So in summary, his work and the risky work of his North Korean journalists have indeed made an impact on changing North Korea for the better.

Norbert Vollertsen. an unsung hero
This was posted on the usandnorth blog a while ago but it really belongs in the human rights blog
I only just learned about this guy the other day.
He was a German doctor who went to North Korea in the late 90's to help out where he could and became aware of and disgusted with the human rights abuses, neglect, and indifference to the general population by the North Korean regime.
He wrote a book about his stay in NK called "North Korea, diary of a mad place".
I can only find it in Japanese which I can not read so if anyone knows where I can find one in English, that would be a big help.
The book in English is very hard to find but I think this might be a part of the diary he kept. found it on the Dailynk site.
And here is some footage that I found on youtube. you cant understand much but the conditions of the hospital and the patients will tell a lot.
I do not know where in NK it was but I am pretty sure it was not Pyonyang....
Here is Norbert Vollertsen on C-Span talking about his tour of North Korea.
I only just learned about this guy the other day.
He was a German doctor who went to North Korea in the late 90's to help out where he could and became aware of and disgusted with the human rights abuses, neglect, and indifference to the general population by the North Korean regime.
He wrote a book about his stay in NK called "North Korea, diary of a mad place".
I can only find it in Japanese which I can not read so if anyone knows where I can find one in English, that would be a big help.
The book in English is very hard to find but I think this might be a part of the diary he kept. found it on the Dailynk site.

And here is some footage that I found on youtube. you cant understand much but the conditions of the hospital and the patients will tell a lot.
I do not know where in NK it was but I am pretty sure it was not Pyonyang....
Here is Norbert Vollertsen on C-Span talking about his tour of North Korea.

dealing with drug addiction North Korean style
The so-called rehabilitation clinics are using electroshock treatment to snap addicts out of their drug and alcohol addiction. DUH!
The article states that the recent sanctions are causing havoc in the North Korean markets which in turn is causing people to turn to meth and alcohol to escape despair.
People might have borrowed money to buy stock for their business and can not pay it back or maybe their business has gone south. whatever the reason, it appears to be a growing trend among consistent means.
As if they haven't got it bad enough, they make it even worse by doing this.
Consistent use of meth will eventually turn an individual paranoid which is what this article is explaining
the below report from rimjin-gang states that market moderators are told to confiscate chinese yuan.
one of the reasons given is some suspect that the government is keeping the higher valued yuan for themselves. essentially stealing from the people again like what happened back in 2009 with the currency renomination.
things like this contribute to frustration which can lead to drug and alcohol use.
The article states that the recent sanctions are causing havoc in the North Korean markets which in turn is causing people to turn to meth and alcohol to escape despair.
People might have borrowed money to buy stock for their business and can not pay it back or maybe their business has gone south. whatever the reason, it appears to be a growing trend among consistent means.
As if they haven't got it bad enough, they make it even worse by doing this.
Consistent use of meth will eventually turn an individual paranoid which is what this article is explaining
the below report from rimjin-gang states that market moderators are told to confiscate chinese yuan.
one of the reasons given is some suspect that the government is keeping the higher valued yuan for themselves. essentially stealing from the people again like what happened back in 2009 with the currency renomination.
things like this contribute to frustration which can lead to drug and alcohol use.

Monday, December 4, 2017
Article about North Korean workers in other countries
There are quite a few articles out there covering North Korean workers in other countries but I thought this was a good one.
It starts out by stating that Walmart and Aldi markets could be helping to finance the NK regime but goes on to explain a bit about the conditions of the workers.
It seems that although it is grueling work and long hours, it's still better than a job in North Korea.
I have read numerous times that North Koreans consider work outside their country as a stroke of good fortune.
It is too bad though that 50 to 70% of their wages are taken by the North Korean regime and with many thousands working abroad, they bring in a lot of revenue for their oppressors unfortunately
The bottom line though is that it's still slave labor. they get paid less, do more hours, are restricted in their movements and cant leave to go home easily.
Also, here is a youtube presentation but estimates the number of workers to be around 50000 and in some cases only get to keep 10% of their wages.
Here is another article out of DailyNK that came in recently.
One defector tells a bit about how it is for North Koreans working in foreign countries
It starts out by stating that Walmart and Aldi markets could be helping to finance the NK regime but goes on to explain a bit about the conditions of the workers.
It seems that although it is grueling work and long hours, it's still better than a job in North Korea.
I have read numerous times that North Koreans consider work outside their country as a stroke of good fortune.
It is too bad though that 50 to 70% of their wages are taken by the North Korean regime and with many thousands working abroad, they bring in a lot of revenue for their oppressors unfortunately
The bottom line though is that it's still slave labor. they get paid less, do more hours, are restricted in their movements and cant leave to go home easily.
Also, here is a youtube presentation but estimates the number of workers to be around 50000 and in some cases only get to keep 10% of their wages.
Here is another article out of DailyNK that came in recently.
One defector tells a bit about how it is for North Koreans working in foreign countries

Friday, December 1, 2017
The problems of human rights crisis in North Korea can be solved by North Koreans.
The outside world can have an influence on changing the current human rights violations in North Korea, but there is another way.
The problems of human rights crisis in North Korea can be solved by North Koreans.
North Koreans must be enlighted.
North Koreans must know how meaningful the value of democracy is to them.
North Koreans must know what human rights are.
North Koreans must know their human rights are violated and persecuted.
How can it be possible?
North Koreans must contact the information from the outside world.
North Koreans must learn to think objectively and reasonably.
North Korean regime does not allow North Koreans to be enlighted so that North Koreans should learn by themselves. The outside world should help North Koreans know more about the outside world.
The problems of human rights crisis in North Korea can be solved by North Koreans.
North Koreans must be enlighted.
North Koreans must know how meaningful the value of democracy is to them.
North Koreans must know what human rights are.
North Koreans must know their human rights are violated and persecuted.
How can it be possible?
North Koreans must contact the information from the outside world.
North Koreans must learn to think objectively and reasonably.
North Korean regime does not allow North Koreans to be enlighted so that North Koreans should learn by themselves. The outside world should help North Koreans know more about the outside world.
North Korea is a case of genocide
the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.
the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group.
Here is an article dating back to 2012 and written by Robert Park, a human rights activist.
He was imprisoned, tortured and sexually abused and hasn't fully recovered since.
The case for genocide being committed in North Korea against the so-called hostile class, Christians, disabled, etc is valid.
Here is an article from the Washington Post about Parks effects of his detainment in North Korea.

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