This one was on the usandnorth blog as well
I did a previous post about Norbert Vollertsen. the German doctor who went into North Korea to help the sick and starving population in the 90's
I did a previous post about Norbert Vollertsen. the German doctor who went into North Korea to help the sick and starving population in the 90's
But here is another individual. Jiro Ishimaru.
He is a Japanese journalist who took an early interest in Korean history and culture, learned the language and became aware of the suffering of the North Koreans and decided to do something about it.
He eventually had the idea to set up a network of North Korean citizens who would go back and forward over the Chinese NK border and get video footage of how life there really was like.
He is now chief editor of Asiapress and Rimjin-gang magazine and has published lots of footage showing the real situation in the north.
In fact, there was one short video of a starving girl picking grass that went viral and touched the hearts of many people around the world.
It was this short footage that made me decide to try and do something, however small, to help them out.
Here it is but there are many more of orphans, starving soldiers, abandoned elderly, the market's activity, etc.
Here is the Asiapress youtube channel for more footage
It looks like the footage from the north is getting less now that the regime has completed the electrified fence making it more difficult for citizen journalists to go back and forth but there is still footage being posted on the site. It provides good information on the changing attitude of the general population toward the regime.
Here is some biography on Jiro Ishimaru
And a good writeup from Stephany Buck who writes for timeline
There's not much youtube footage of him but here is one presentation he did back in 2014 talking about the situation in North Korea
The Aisapress group has also compiled the Rimjin-gang book which provides an in-depth inside look at North Korea with pictures and interviews with some government officials.
I already have it but ordered another one to give to a friend.
It was taking a while to arrive and I asked for a status and they replied that it is on the way. they apologized for the delay and if I read it right, they are sending another one in which case I might have two. if that happens, I will send it to NKinUSA and they can forward to anyone who wants to read it.
So in summary, his work and the risky work of his North Korean journalists have indeed made an impact on changing North Korea for the better.
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